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Banks Rom


Banks Rom

Super premium rom serie som består af to varianter, som du kan læse mere om herunder. Banks Rum blev opkøbt af Bacardi pga. deres høje kvalitet og flotte flasker.

Banks Rom 5 år
A unique blend of 21 rums from 6 distilleries from 5 islands
Trinidad: Hints of Black Strap Molasses give the blend backbone
Jamaica: Pot-stilled rums provide exceptional aromatics
Guyana: Earthy and tropical fruit notes deliver depth
Barbados: Character-filled golden rums add zest
Java: Batavia Arrack, lends a touch of spice

Banks Rom 7 år
A unique blend of 23 rums from 8 distilleries from 7 origins
Trinidad: Hints of Black Strap Molasses give the blend backbone
Jamaica: Pot-stilled rums provide exceptional aromatics
Guyana: Earthy and tropical fruit notes deliver depth
Barbados: Character-filled golden rums add zest
Guatemala: High altitude sugar cane yields aromas of toasted nuts
Panama: Classic dry flavor profile with a hint of wood
Java: Batavia Arrack, lends a touch of spice